
Friday, January 11, 2013

Renee Strauss?! YEP!

I just started an internship with Renee Strauss for the Platinum Bride! Yes, its amazing, yes, she is absolutely the kindest person!
So if you haven't heard of Renee Strauss, she is the one who has the show "Brides of Beverly Hills" on TLC. You can search it up on youtube, or watch the show. Its absolutely amazing and interesting and filled with DRAMA!
SO yes, what else can I say? Renee just opened a new store at a pop up location, and it has the most beautiful gowns I have ever seen in my life! The gowns are literally so gorgeous that you would be crazy not to fall in love with one of them. And Renee, she is so helpful. She is such a passionate person when it comes to making the bride feel like a superstar! WOW
Anyway, thats all for now!
AND, if you are in california, and want to book an appointment to try on wedding gowns, please go on her website and book it online or call (the number is on the website!)

Friday, October 26, 2012


Hey all,
So recently my cousin and I created a website that we think is going to be quite interesting. Now our goal is to promote it and make sure many people know about it. This website is mainly targeted at women where we talk about sex, love and relationships! Its a pretty cool site (at least it has the potential to be) so for now, check it out and tell us what you think


Sunday, October 21, 2012

The "Dreaded" Mother in Law

Myth: Everyone hates their mother in law. Lets try to understand this better:

The Mother in Law- her son is getting married to a girl which in her mind means that he is replacing her with another woman. Being a mother has made me realize that mothers in general have a very special bond with their sons, and want to keep them close for as long as possible, if not forever. If you are a girl, you are the new woman, who in essence is competition! So how do you avoid the stress of the over-bearing mother in law?
 A. Remember, she will be family. ALWAYS treat your mother in law with respect if you have any respect for your soon to be husband. She is his mother, and most of the time it means that she is one of the most important people in his life. If he feels like you and his mom dont get along, he will feel uneasy. Feeling like a mediator between two important women isnt fun! Can you imagine if he was on edge around your mom? Wouldn't it make you feel bad? So please, be kind and respectful.

Now what happens after marriage?

Your mom in law will always be there. What if you dont like your mother in law? Can you tell him? Should you keep your mouth shut? I will try, to the best of my ability, to answer these questions.

1. What made you dislike your mom in law?
         - Do your personalities clash?
         - Is she mean to you?
         - Is she unfair?
         - Does your husband allocate to much time for her?
         - Do you feel she is ALWAYS there?
Most of the time, from my experience, a mother in law evokes jealousy. Why? Because almost every man loves their mom to high heavens, and you feel like the love is unfairly distributed. "But IM the new woman! IM important too! IM going to be the mother of your children! IM the one you chose to spend the rest of your life with! ME ME ME! I I I! I DESERVE MORE LOVE!" These are all the thoughts that go through your head, and for right reason! But guess what your mother in law is thinking... "IM the one who raise you! IM the one who was here first and from the begining. IM the one who loves you unconditionality. Without ME you wouldn't be here! IM more important! I DESERVE MORE LOVE!" Women are very interesting. We compete with each other for male attention NO MATTER WHAT. So what to do?

1. You can tell him that you want to be his priority. I dont suggest it though because when you make a man feel like he owes you, he will do the complete opposite. 

2. You can keep your mouth shut. Not a great idea either. This way, he will never know how you feel and you will be exhausted from pretending that everything is okay.

3. You can calmly explain that you are his wife, and would like some respect. BINGO. But make sure to highlight the fact that you never want to compete with his mom!

Anyway, those are my two cents about mother in laws.

Hope it gave you some ideas! HAVE A GREAT DAY!

Friday, October 19, 2012

The Wedding Planning Phase... Stress Galore!

Hi all!
It has been ages since I wrote last, but a lot has been going on. Firstly, my little baby boy was born on February 1 and he is so so handsome!

Before I start, I would like to just take note of the fact that this is a relationship and wedding blog. So I shall be writing about that rather than trying to go off topic.

So a few months ago, my cousin/best friend got engaged. And there I am, reliving the wedding planning phase through her. Let me tell you, when you are planning your own wedding you get so caught up that you change your perception of what it is really about. When I see her planning her wedding, I realized just how stressful it is. Firstly, you feel like you need to please everybody, and the truth is, that can never be done. Someone will ALWAYS be dissapointed. What you have to remember is that the wedding day is about YOU and your PARTNER, not about the people who attend. Second, I realized that there are women who are bridezillas. Yes, my cousin is one of them. She wants everything to be perfect (ranging from how the venue will look to how she wants people to dress). The reality is, however, that you cannot possibly control everything. You cant put yourself through stress to make everything "perfect".

So far, I have given two tips:
1. Dont try to make everyone happy
2. Dont try to control everything.

Finally, and most importantly, I believe, is the idea that wedding planning can be a tremendous stress on the relatuionshp. Its true! So the Tip of the Day is: REMEMBER THAT A WEDDING IS A PARTY! It really is only about you and your partner, nothing else matters!

Dont make your wedding planning phase a final step in your relationship. Wedding planning is stressful and emotional, but you need to keep it separate from you and your partner!


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

20 weeks pregnant today!

Okay so today I am officially half-way through the pregnancy. I would be very excited right now and probably jumping up and down from happiness if not for the worrying I am doing instead.
Yesterday and today, the little one decided to be lazy and NOT kick! And that scares the CRAP out of me! I worry a lot when it comes to the baby.
Another thing I am having a hard time dealing with is the weight gain. I (obviously) wont write down my weight here, but let me tell you, I feel like a whale. I cant wait to get back into shape and meet my son! (I hope he is okay).
On friday, my husband and I are going to the doctor to do an anomaly scan. The doctor will check the heart, liver, kidneys and all that good stuff. He will also confirm (hopefully ha ha) that we are having a baby BOY.
Anyways, for the tips....
1. Write everything down because pregnancy brain is a REAL THING! (I can't remember what tips I wanted to write here....)

I guess it will be Tip Of The Day.... I seriously can't remember anything.

Thanks for reading,

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Catching up...

So it has been a few weeks since I last posted anything. I am not lazy, just busy. There is much I have to say though!!!
Firstly, the wedding was absolutely beautiful. Unfortunately I still haven't gotten the pictures yet, so I cant post any of them up right now. There is not much to say about the wedding except for the fact that it was absolutely magical!!!! I am sure you all will understand what I am talking about when I post up some photos!
As for the more important news about our little bubba, we found out a few weeks ago that bubba is a BOY!!! How exciting!!! I must say, this pregnancy thing is wonderful but extremely uncomfortable, especially now. I recently started showing quite a bit, and I am only 18 weeks along. Because of all the heaviness in my front area, I have terrible backaches, but it's all worth it!!!!
A few days ago I started feeling the little one move around, which I can honesty say is the most amazing feeling in the whole world! I cant really describe what it feels like exactly, except for the fact that it is quite amazing!
Today he hasn't moved yet so it makes me worried. One thing I can say with a 100% certainty is that when a woman is pregnant, she worries about EVERYTHING to do with her little baby. That's one of the downsides of pregnancy I suppose. This constant worrying sucks big time!
There is not much else to say. In two weeks or so, Jonathan and I are going in for our 20 week scan to see all of the baby's organs and make sure everything is developing properly. That will be very exciting!
Anyway, I will be updating this blog on the pregnancy more often than I have in the past, and I will try to upload some photos of the belly progress. I am not sure whether I will post any scan pictures of the little one yet, I still need to think about it.
Thanks for reading!!!!!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Exciting News =)

So yes, I have been a slacker beyond belief! HOWEVER.....
Jonathan and I are getting married this sunday! How exciting! I promise to write how the day went on here! And another little announcement.... Jonathan and I are going to be parents =) So exciting. As soon as sunday is over and I have posted my last wedding blog, I will start posting on the little things I have learned while being pregnant.

Monday, June 6, 2011

List of Vendors

Hey everyone,
I apologize for the fact that I have not been updating this blog. I have just been accepted to a new university and a lot of other things happened last month. It isn't an excuse however.

After the wedding is over, I will continue writing the blog, which will be focused on "family life".

As for the wedding, it is going quite perfectly. Everything seems to be coming together.

I have already chosen the makeup artist, Monique Powers. From the trial that she did, she is quite great.

The hair stylist is also amazing, her name is Emilie, she is part of Oliver Ifergan's group.

The photographer is the most important because he or she or they will be with you the whole time on your special day. Me and Jonathan chose Peardon Carrillo Photography. Alberto and Lisa have so much to offer. The photography is beautiful.

Music is also important if you want to keep people entertained. We chose Skye Michaels.

Anyway, if you happen to live in LA,  you can look these vendors up if your wedding is coming up. I can guarantee that they all are simply amazing!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Hello everyone,
I am sorry I haven't been posting anything up recently.
I am going to resume doing that shortly.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What To Do Before Finding Someone- First Chapter Of My Book!

So, I have started writing a book, and I would like to post the preface as well as the first chapter in this blog. This chapter focuses on what one must do before trying to find "the one." This is the only chapter I will be posting on the blog because I hope to someday publish this self-help book.

I hope you guys enjoy, and I am sorry I haven't been posting anything for a while!!!!

I know from experience that relationships require a lot of work. What is even more frustrating, is that not only do relationships require maintenance work, but also work before you find a relationship. I think of a relationship as if it were a job. It requires a lot of investing in yourself, a lot of upkeep and a lot of stress. Think of your partner as your customer. You must sell him your product (yourself) when you first meet him, then you must keep him interested enough to come back (to get dates).
Enjoy this book and remember, everybody has the tools to find love and make it last.

Chapter One: Improving yourself
Before you go and look for someone to spend the rest of your life with, you must look in the mirror. What do you see? Do you see someone who is perfect in every way, including looks, personality and intelligence, or do you need to invest in yourself and make yourself better? If you found that you are perfect in every way, look at the checklist below. If you don’t meet certain criteria on this list, it means that you need to work on it.
    • My hair is in perfect shape. (Length, color, shape)
    •         My face is clear and clean. (No zits or pimples, no blemishes.)
    •         My body is one that I am comfortable in.
    •         My closet is full of beautiful clothes.
    •         I am not insecure about myself.
    •         I am open minded.
    •         I am kind and caring.
    •         I consider myself smart.
    •         I can keep a conversation going.
    •         I am NOT too picky.
If you have not checked 2 or more things from the above checklist, listen closely. First of all, you are wonderful. Keep repeating that to yourself day after day until you believe it. Second, you can be better. If you listen to my tips on how to improve yourself, you will be the best you can be, and it will be great. So here are some ways to make yourself the hottest thing that walked this earth:
Now many people will continuously argue the point I am going to try to make. Looks are important. They are very important. My cousin has always argued with me on this point because she strongly believes that if a guy or girl is to love you, he or she should love you for who you are, not how you look. Well here is a news flash that all of you should know:
If you must, tattoo it on your head so that you can see this sentence every time you look in the mirror. The truth, as brutal as it is, is that no guy or girl will go for someone who looks like they don’t care about themselves. As they say, “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover,” but everyone still does. Even if you have a wonderful personality and no cover to sell that, no one will look twice. But don’t be discouraged! I know I might sound like one hell of a bitch, but I am here to help you. There are many things you can do to improve your looks.
First of all, focus on your face. If it is blemished, buy creams and face washes that will get rid of them. I know it costs a bit of money, but you are investing in yourself and I guarantee you that you will not be sorry.
Second, if you are a woman, start wearing makeup. Some girls hate makeup and I understand that, but a little bit of makeup goes a long way. Now I am definitely NOT talking about caking on a lot of makeup, because that looks terrible. I am trying to introduce the idea of natural makeup with simple outlining of the eyes for them to stand out. No coverup is needed if you have clear skin. Lipgloss is also something I would not recommend because it looks greasy. Just try to make your features brighter.
Now if you are a man, you obviously don’t need makeup. What you do need however, is a clear face that is well groomed. A rugged look is not sexy unless you know how to achieve a specific rugged look.

Yes, intelligence is important even when it comes to finding someone. There is a very good reason why intelligence is key. The reason is that if you are intelligent enough and know things, you will not run out of things to talk about on your date. You don’t want to sit in silence while on a date right? That would just be awkward. Intelligence is also important in later life. Let’s say you meet the perfect person, you are engaged to them, you marry them. Then they need your advice on how to do something or what decision to make. If you can’t give an answer, it will be awkward. 

Now this is key. If you are a beautiful person with Einstein’s brain and a disgusting personality, your relationships will NOT last. You must know that after a while, your looks will be meaningless to the person you are with, and your intelligence will not be as appreciated. Personality on the other hand is the thing that holds the relationship together after 5 years. 
Being kind and caring is key. If you are able to relate to your partner in the future and care for him/her, he or she will stay with you for as long as you want. If you act like a monster 24/7, your partner will get fed up in the end and will get rid of you. 
Now many of you will think, “This bitch is crazy, I can’t change my personality because I was born this way!” That is not true in any way shape or form. You can change your personality as easily as you can change your underwear. You need to want it. You need to practice it. You need to transform yourself.
I know you can do it and so do you.
This chapter was a little rough on you and I understand that but bear with me. Just learn to trust me enough to trust that my advice will benefit you and your love life. 
On the next page, you can put your before and after picture, to see what dramatic changes you have gone through. You can also write how you are feeling about yourself and your personality. 
I hope you guys enjoyed this blog, and I really hope it helps all of you who are looking for that special someone!!!!


Sunday, March 13, 2011

How To Deal With A Breakup?

Lets just say that all of a sudden it seems as though your world has come crashing down, and you and your guy broke up. The feeling is terrible. You feel like you will never find another guy, you feel like its the end of the world, you feel like you are the most miserable person on earth. But at some point, you must make the effort to deal with the situation and move on. Here are a few tips on how to move on.

1. Don't stop taking care of yourself. It is very common that when a girl and guy break up, the girl feels like she has nobody to impress anymore and completely stop taking care of herself. You DONT want to do that because if you feel good about yourself, you will get over the relationship quicker. You also need to remember that there are plenty of fish in the sea, and you need to impress those fishes!

2. Don't ignore other guys. It must be hard when you have just lost the guy you love, but it is likely that the guy was not the one for you if you two broke up. Start talking to other guys, maybe you will be so lucky as to find the ONE.

3. Take the time being single to have fun. When you are in a relationship, you will not be as free as you are when you are single. Take the time to enjoy yourself! Spend time with your girlfriends, have fun, FLIRT!

4. Don't EVER sit at home doing nothing after a breakup. Keep yourself busy. From my own experience I know that when you just ended a relationship and sit at home, all you think about is your ex guy. On the other hand, if you keep yourself busy with your friends, hobbies and other things, you will not have time to think of your ex!

So girls, the fact that you just got out of a relationship is NOT the end of the world. It just means that a better person is coming your way. Don't beat yourself up on why it didn't work, don't stress about it at all. HAVE A POSITIVE OUTLOOK. I know its hard but its important to live for the future, not in the past. Goodluck!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Assess Your Relationship! (Helpful Notes!)

So this blog is going to be about healthy relationships. I know I wrote about this before, but that day, I received new information about healthy relationships from my university, therefore the credit goes to Woodbury.

 I scanned two things that will help you know whether your relationship is healthy or not. Here they are!

This will help you assess your relationship

The Equality Wheel

I hope this is helpful!!!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Is He Cheating? Why?

The biggest fear a girl can have during a relationship is that her guy is, will or was cheating. I know how stressful it can be when you suspect the one you love of cheating. So here are some signs that he is cheating on you, although none of them mean that he is unfaithful for sure. (Credit goes to "32 Emotional Signs That He Is Cheating.")
1. Your guy is much more attentive and loving than usual. Now you are probably thinking, "isn't that a good thing?". Well yes, it might be. But it might also mean that he feels guilty for cheating and wants to make up for it.

2. Your guy is all of a sudden buying you gifts. Once again, it might be a good thing, or it might mean that he is, again, trying to make up for his guilt.

3. Your guy fights with you out of nowhere. This is also bad and might mean that he is trying to find an excuse to leave the house, or wherever you two are, so that he can meet his other girl.

4. Your guy always brings up the topic of your relationship ending. This is never a good thing. Its a big sign that he is cheating and wants another girl.

5. Your guy is always moody around you and acts depressed when he is with you. This might mean that he is just in a bad mood. However if you see that he all of a sudden turns happy when he is leaving, he is probably cheating.

6. You and your guy are living together yet he never talks to you. Thats a big warning sign!

7. Your guy stops complimenting you on your appearance. Either he lost interest, or he finds someone else more attractive.

8. A BIG one! If he stops telling you he loves you, watch out.

9. Your guys starts acting guilty and upset when you do something for him. This is because he knows he is betraying you, and your kindness reminds him of what an idiot he is!

10. Your guy accuses YOU of cheating without evidence. Now I listed the major signs, but you can look deeper into it by going to the website I provided above.

After having read this, you must wonder why guys cheat? Its hard to understand why, but there are a few reasons why a guy would find it necessary to cheat. (Some credit goes to "Ten Reasons Men Cheat.")

1. It boosts their ego. If you don't make your guy feel attractive or wanted, he will go and try to see how many girls he can get in order to feel good about himself.

2. You argue a lot. Trust me, no matter how much a guy loves you, he wants to feel like he is safe with you. If you don't provide him with that safety, he will find it elsewhere.

3. They just don't love you anymore. This is pretty self explanatory.

4. Your intimate love life is bad. If you don't let him be with you, he will be with someone else.

I know it sounds harsh but most of the time, he cheats because of you. Just try to look at your mistakes and try to improve yourself and then you are GUARANTEED to have a happy, healthy relationship! GOOD LUCK!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Is He The One?

Every girl dreams about finding her prince charming. The only problem with this is, how do you know your prince charming has arrived? Are there any signs that he is the one? How can you be sure that your relationship with him will last for a ver long time? I have some tips on how you can find out whether the guy you met is the one for you.
Now before you read these, these tips are NOT scientifically proven. They are more based on what I, and some friends of mine went through when we realized we met the right guy.

1. Firstly, I strongly believe that if you are looking for someone, you will never find the perfect guy for you. Once you stop looking, you will be suprized at how quickly you find the love of your life.

2. Secondly, it is very possoble that you already know the guy you are meant to be with. It is also possible that you don't like him in that way at the moment. Here is an interesting story for you guys. I met Jonathan for the first time when I was 16. I really didn't think anything of him, I didnt even think I would see him ever again. When I was moving to LA, I knew Jonathan would be here, and in all honesty, I really didnt like him. I can't explain why I was against him, but I was. Three months after we started dating, I realized that I really love him. So your prince charming will be the person that you would never expect to fall inlove with.

3. If you already have someone, pay attention to how he treats you. You know you have found the perfect guy for you when he considers your opinions as well as his. You know youve met the right guy when he treats you like a lady, not like one of his buddies. You know youve met the right guy when he respects you. You know youve met the right guy when he compromises.

4. How do you feel when you see your guy? Do you feel normal, or do you have butterflies in your stomach? I know that sometimes, when I see Jonathan, I am happy but I dont get that weak feeling in my knees or butterflies in my stomach. Does that mean he isn't the one? NOT AT ALL. If your mood gets better when you see him, he probably is the best guy for you.

Now that Ive given you tips on how to know youve met the one, here are some tips on how to know that your guy is NOT the one for you.

1. He disrespects you. If he treats you poorly, mentally or phisically, get the hell out of the relationship. Dont think that he will change. No one changes. Trust me, you can do better.

2. He makes up excuses on why he cant see you. If the guy loves you, he will want to see you as often as he can. He isnt the right one if he avoids you. Trust me, you will get hurt.

3. He makes you feel like you cant hang out with your friends. Some girls believe that if a guy is jealous, that means he loves you. That's partly true. On the other hand, he should trust you enough to let you do your thing. A relationship is based on trust.

4. He demeans you. If he tells you that you aren't pretty enough, or you arent skinny enough, or you dont have a big enough chest, DUMP HIS ASS. Who is he to tell you that you aren't good enough for him? That just shows his insecurity.

5. Do you suspect your guy of cheating? Now this is a big thing for me personally. I believe that if a guy cheats, that means he is not respectful of your feelings.

6. How does he treat your family? If you have found the one, you will most likely marry him. You need to be sure that there wont be family drama when you get married. If he disses your family left and right, you dont need him. This is also a respect issue.

7. Most importantly, does he let you know how much you mean to him? And I am talking about his actions since actions speak louder than words. Is he proud of you? Does he compliment you? Does he consider himself lucky? If he doesnt, then you dont need him.

These are all the tips for today. Goodluck in finding you prince charming!!!!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Overprotective Fathers vs. Daughters Inlove

Being a girl is hard, and many would argue this point. In society, we are considered the weaker link therefore a man always feels compelled to protect us, especially if that man is our father. I have a very interesting story to share today. About a year and a half ago I was not allowed to date because my dad was so strict. Then I started dating Jonathan and thankfully, my dad was okay with it. When we got engaged, my dad seemed to be happy with me. Finally, when I asked my father the premision to live with Jonathan, he understood that this is a natural part of life and let me. It is very nice to have the approval of your father, especially if you know that your dad is extremely protective and sceptical about the whole love thing. Today, my dad mentioned something I will never forget. I wont say exactly what it is, but what I will say is that he finally understood that I am growing up and that I am mature enough to make my own decisions in life. Some of us, however, are not so lucky.

Some girls have a father who holds strong to his beliefs and is overprotective to the point where the girl cant live her own life without fearing that her father will dissaprove. We all want our parents, especially our dads to approve of our decisions in life. It is hard to keep secrets and even harder to lie because in the end, you will feel bad about it. So here are a few tips on how to get your dad to understand that you are growing up and that you can handle the stress of a relationship.

1. Talk to your dad. Be open with him. Don't keep secrets and try to explain to him that you are mature enough to handle such a big thing. He might be reluctant at first, but after a while he will understand.

2. Dont raise your voice at your father. Screaming is a sign of immaturity. It is also a sign that you cant control your emotions, and if you cant handle yourself, how will you handle a relationship? You must prove to your dad that you are mature by keeping calm. If your father still dissaproves of your decision to be in a relationship, leave him alone. Don't push your opinions on him. Let your dad think things through and after a while he will be on board with you.

3. Make your dad feel involved. A thank you or an I love you goes a long way. You are his little girl, and you will always be that. Make your dad feel as though he is needed because he is. Know that when you are in a relationship, your dad will feel jealousy and sadness because he will feel as if he is losing his precious girl. Make him feel like he is still number one and ask for his advice and opinions. He will be glad to give good advice to you.

4. Dont talk about your relationship everytime you talk to your dad unless he asks. I know you are excited, but it can get tiering for him. Respect your dad and understand that for him it is a hard time, even though for you it is a joyous one.

5. If your dad agreed to meet with your guy for the first time or to hang out with him (if your dad knows your guy), dont hang yourself on your man. It is not appropriate to show so much affection infront of your parents, especially your father. It will only piss your dad off and he wont want to see your guy's face ever again.

So these are the tips on how to handle your father when he doesnt want to deal with the idea of you being in a relationship. Remember girls, your dad is the number one man in your life. He raised you and he supported you, whether it be physically or mentally it doesnt matter.

 Have fun breaking the news to your dad!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Happily Ever After Can Be Real!

Everyone wants their relationship to be the one that lasts forever. It is a known fact that most marriages end up in divorce, and that's a very sad fact. Now most girls wonder what they can do in order to keep their relationship going. Here are some things that you can do.

1. Be neat. I know that a lot of guys out there are quite messy but it is your job to keep everything neat, including his stuff. I know that I used to be very messy and I am improving right now due to the fact that Jonathan has OCD, (Im not kidding.) It is a woman's job to keep everything neat and clean so that he doesn't feel like he is living with a piglet (even though he might be a piglet himself.)

2. Do things for him. A good wife will have food ready for her husband when he comes home. Now I admit that I don't cook every night but I am trying to learn more recepies so that I can do that. A guy thinks with his stomach a lot of the times. When you greet him with a nice dinner, he will appreciate you that much more because nowadays, not many women cook.

3. Take care of yourself. This is a big thing. I know that a lot of girls, after being in a relationship with one guy for a long time feel comfortable enough to let themselves go. Trust me girls, even if he loves you, he wants a hot chick next to him, not a slob who doesn't care about her appearance. You must shower daily, which I am sure all of you do. You must do your hair and makeup and don't go out looking like a homeless person. Always dress nicely. It will pay off. He will want to show you off to his friends and he will be proud that he is with you.

4. Let him do his own thing. Don't be too controlling. A lot of us have that problem. We start thinking, "What is he doing?", "Why isn't he calling me?". Trust me girls, he needs his alone time just as much as you need yours. He is a guy, and there are certain things he can't do with you around. He needs to do boy stuff and you should let him or he will feel trapped.

5. Don't accuse him of things or nag. I know I whine a lot, and it drives Jonathan absolutely crazy. Be a lady. Don't act like a two year old with no life, because thats what he will see when you whine or nag. Also, don't accuse him of things. If you fight, don't accuse him of starting it or continuing it. Remember, it takes two to tango. If you accuse him constantly, he will not want to be around you because he will feel like you will always find something bad in him. It isn't a good feeling.

6. Compromise! I know I talked about this in another post, but I can't stress this enough. Compromise is everything. Your relationship is a partnership. It's like a business, you make deals and sign mental contracts. If you want to buy something and he doesn't, buy something you both like. That's compromise, and it is a VERY big deal.

7. Be giving. My dad always taught me that I shouldn't act like a princess who needs her guy to do everything for her. PAY FOR DINNER SOMETIMES! He will respect you more and see that you aren't there to use him. I get anal when it comes to who pays for dinner when me and Jonathan are out. I want to pay every time. Don't act like a princess. He deserves respect too.

8. Act like a lady. No guy wants a man beside him unless he is homosexual. Don't act like a guy and burp or fart in front of him. Even if you are comfortable with your guy, it doesn't mean that you can forget your manners. You aren't a truck driver. You are his girlfriend. Be a lady and he will treat you like one.

So these are the tips I have today. I hope it helps in making your relationship, or marriage a happily ever after!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Your Life Is Not All About Him, Its About You Too!

Everyone wants a healthy, happy relationship, correct? It seems, nowadays, that many girls (including myself a few weeks ago) believe that a healthy relationship means that you should hang out only with your guy. That belief is actually extremely unhealthy, especially if you are getting married soon. The reason is that after a while, even if you LIKE being only around your guy, you will get annoyed of it. It doesn't mean that you will stop loving him or anything remotely close to that. It simply means that you need to make out time to hang out with your girls, because they will understand you in ways your guy wont. There are several reasons girls sometimes only hang out with their guy:

1. The guy is against his girl being away from him
2. The girl is scared the guy will get mad if she leaves him for a few hours.
3. The girl isn't as comfortable around other people the way she is comfortable with her guy.
4. The girl wants to be a "good" wife, and prove to the guy that she needs no one but him.

The first reason is very unhealthy. Even though you might see it as your guy being protective because he loves you, it wont make your relationship with him stronger. After a while, you will want to break free, and when you do, it will drive him crazy.

The second reason is simply untrue. If your guy tells you that he is okay with you hanging out with your girlfriends, then he means it. Its healthy to get away from him sometimes and talk about girl stuff. You should do it, and after a while, you will be comfortable with it.

The third reason is understandable. But you must know that life and success is all about networking. If you cant be around your girlfriends because you aren't comfortable, how will you be around people who can make you successful? You need to get over your wants and do what's healthy.

The fourth reason is also untrue. A "good" wife doesn't mean not having a life of your own. What defines a good wife is not sitting at home, but being able to balance between personal life and a life together. Let him know that he has nothing to worry about and that you love him. You will be a good wife even if you hang out with your girlfriends.

A few weeks ago I was not okay with hanging out with my friends because of most of the reasons I listed above. Today however, I decided to get over myself and be with them for the day. Let me tell you, it is so much fun and it is such a healthy thing to do! You get to talk about girl stuff without worrying that you are boring someone to death!

Remember, even though he is your main focus, you should focus on your wants and needs too. A day with your girls is something every girl needs!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Compromise is Classy

I don't know about you, but I am the type of person that would rather make everyone else happy and myself miserable than the other way around. This is not the right thing to do however, because after a while, you will start to resent those people to the point of no return. The best thing to do is to compromise. Not only will it help you in the planning process of a wedding, but it will also help your marriage. Compromise is everything. Here is a personal story that happened today.

Jonathan, his mother and I went to the hotel today where we are supposed to get married. Firstly, we had to change the date because the date we picked originally would not work. This is stressful, but after talking to his mother, I understood why the date would need to be changed. What ended up happening was that we are now getting married almost 20 days earlier than we were supposed to! Its great news and its all thanks to compromise. The second issue consisted of the fact that we couldn't decide whether to do the wedding on one or two days. I was very much against the two day wedding because I thought it would be too long. After talking to Jonathan's mother however, I realized that two days is a great idea. In the end, I am the happiest person ever. All thanks to compromise. Here are some tips and tricks of how to compromise the healthy way.

1. Don't be stubborn. Sometimes the other person has a good idea and you should listen. If you don't like the idea, explain to the person what exactly it is that you don't like and try to work around it.

2. When there are two opposing opinions that are very strong, it doesn't mean that either is right. Compromise is about giving up a part of your dream and the other person giving up a part of theirs. In the end, you reach a middle that is good for both of you, or as some call it, the best of both worlds.

3. If you are dealing with the wedding, and the strong opinion number two is coming from your fiance's mother, father or relative, you must be respectful. Don't push your own opinion on them because this will come off as disrespectful. Your future husband must know that you are going to be a good wife who can get along with the people he loves.

These are all the tips I have today, and I hope that they help and make sense. GOOD LUCK!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Being with yourself is sometimes the best thing

As I said before, fighting is healthy if done in the right way. But lets say the fight just happened, how do you make up or cool down? Well here are some ways I know.

1. Isolate yourself for a few hours. It sounds bad, but sometimes you need time to think. I am doing this right this moment and it helps immensly. Firstly, your guy will not be there to provoke more negative emotions. Secondly, you will have time to breathe and think through the argument and cool off. Lastly, you will have time to focus on other things, (for me its writing this blog), and you will slowly put the fight in the back of your mind.

2. Don't be too stubborn. If he says sorry, forgive and forget. Let it go. I know that sometimes its nice to feel powerful and what ends up happening is that you start abusing that power and it develops in another fight. Just let it go, don't try to be the one who gets the last word.

3. Cry. If you feel like you need to cry, do so. But only when you are sure your guy can't see. Once again, crying infront of him will make him feel very bad and you don't want to have to upset him more than he already is. I know sometimes you cant help it and cry infornt of him. If you can hold off the tears, do so. When you cry in private, you can cry more because you wont be as emberassed and you can let all that emotion out. Crying is cleansing yourself.

This is a very short blog, but I hope it has advice that will help you in this situation. I know that I feel pretty bad right now, and I am trying to follow my own advice. I wont say exactly what happened, but all I will say is that sometimes you need to be with yourself to calm down.

Hope this helps!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Fighting is Frustrating

Now all of us get into a fight with the one we love right? We scream and we yell, and sometimes, we even cry, (whether its tears of true and deep pain or "fake" tears to make our guy feel sorry for us). The reasons for fighting vary greatly, and sometimes the fights are really unnecessary. But how do we handle these situations? I know that I either go completely crazy and start yelling until I upset MYSELF and start crying, or I shut down and don't say anything at all until I can't take it anymore, and I blow up. Neither of these situations are healthy. Here are some ways you can handle a fight without blowing it out of proportion.

1. Never, ever, EVER fake cry. Its a bad habit. First of all, you are lying to both your guy and yourself. If you are not upset enough to spill real tears, don't do it. Now I completely understand when you feel like you must make yourself cry for either or both of these reasons:
                                            a) You want your guy to feel sorry for you.
                                            b) You want your guy to feel guilty.

Its satisfying to know that you have such control and power over him, but I still stress the fact that you shouldn't do it. A lie is a lie.

2. Don't blow up! I know you sometimes want to throw a flat iron at your guy when he pisses you off, and I admit that sometimes the guy deserves worse than that, but still, don't blow up! Communication is key. You must learn to talk to your love calmly instead of killing him. He will take you more seriously if you speak in a calm manner because it will be more mature. (A smack on the face once or twice won't hurt though, but only when you are REALLY angry!)

3. Don't do what I do. Don't hold your feelings in. If you hold it all in, in the end you will blow up worse than you would have in the beginning. A flat iron hitting him in the face will be the least of his problems if you blow up after holding your feelings in. What's worse is that you might not blow up, and instead, resent him which is very unhealthy.

 Fights are healthy, but be sure you know how to handle them!